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Self-Help: Overcoming Situational Depression

Updated on February 9, 2024

Are you suffering from Situational Depression?

What is Situational Depression?

Situational depression, also known as reactive depression or adjustment disorder with depressed mood, is a type of depression triggered by specific stressful life events or situations.

This is only a short-term condition caused by stress, life’s situations or events. It occurs when a person is unable to cope or adjust to a particular source of stress. Situational depression can happen to anyone; men and women are affected equally. Stress is the most common cause of this kind of depression.

Unlike clinical depression, which may arise without an apparent cause, situational depression is directly linked to identifiable stressors such as the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, financial hardships, or significant life changes like moving to a new city.

Individuals experiencing situational depression may exhibit symptoms such as persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, irritability, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and a loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed.

While situational depression can be challenging, the good news is that it is usually temporary and tends to improve as the individual adapts to or resolves the triggering situation.

However, seeking support from mental health professionals or engaging in therapy can be beneficial in managing symptoms and facilitating coping mechanisms during this difficult time.

Typical events that leads to depression

  • Death of a loved one
  • Being a victim of a crime
  • Failed relationships
  • Developing a serious illness (either you or your loved one)
  • Experiencing a traumatic accident
  • Living through a disaster such as fire, flood or hurricane

Core Symptoms of Situational Depression

  • Depressed mood and feeling of hopelessness
  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • Feeling tired and missing work or social activities
  • Abuse of drugs and alcohol
  • Feelings of sadness, despair and discouragement

We cannot deny the fact that our life is full of risky situations and events that can trigger stress inside us. When you are too weak and finding it hard to cope with a source of stress as mentioned above, it may cause you this situational depression.

You will begin to feel sadness, hopelessness and fear on that moment of your life. This kind of depression doesn’t last long and will eventually disappear after you begin to adapt to new situations.

But sometimes, they last long; it depends on the circumstances or how big is the impact of that event on your life. This emotional event is affecting practically everybody at least one time in their life. So that means, you are not alone; everybody experiences situational depression.

It is important that you know the causes and symptoms of situational depression to help you avoid more serious health problems. But keep in mind that what causes depression in you doesn’t cause it in your friend, family or someone else.

You can be emotional about failed relationship but somebody is less concern about it. Somebody may find it hard to cope up with financial loss but you may not be bothered at all.

In other words, when a person doesn’t consider the event or situation a big or major problem, the length of his or her depression about it will be short and that person can move on in no time.

Long periods of depression last long if it’s usually caused by big losses and have a really big impact on one’s life.

How To Overcome Depression

As any disorder, situational depression should be treated. The process may take time and a little bit slow to some situations but it’s worth trying to overcome it.

Situational depression is usually temporary and tends to improve as the individual adapts to or resolves the stressful situation. However, if symptoms persist or significantly impair daily functioning, professional help from a therapist, counselor, or mental health provider may be beneficial. Treatment may involve psychotherapy, support groups, stress management techniques, and, in some cases, medication to alleviate symptoms and facilitate coping with the challenging circumstances.

  • Try to keep yourself busy with the things that can help you forget the cause of the depression.
  • Take part in different sports and activities and enjoy every second of it.
  • Do not let the situation tear you apart, instead, try to find a positive gain on that experience.
  • Writing will also help you ease the pains you bear. Write and vent out all your emotions to pen and paper if you find it hard to talk to somebody. They would never judge or criticize you. They will just listen to the sobs and will be the witness on the drops of tear you will give them.
  • Go out of your hiding place and enjoy the beauty of the world, like taking time to walk on a nature. Nature helps clear our stressed minds. Breathe and admire the good things that life brings.
  • Talking and venting out to others who would listen is a major step. Talk to friends or relatives or someone you know about anything, about happy experiences or things that will make you happy. If you don’t want to talk to a friend, find a counselor or a professional in a field that could help you overcome your depression.
  • Set plans for yourself but do not set unachievable goals. It can help save free times on your thoughts.
  • Do not dwell on the past, it cannot be undone and the option we have is to move forward.
  • Believe that this will pass away and only you can help yourself recover and move on.
  • Always avoid negative thought and feeling of despair.
  • Try to explore nature, go for a hike, take a swim, or take a fishing trip.
  • Fight the feelings of negative that inhabit your body. It’s all in your mind.
  • Think positive, it really helps a lot to gain hope. Say “I am stronger than depression”.
  • Remember, always pray to God to give you strength each day.

Yesterday is just a dream. Release its hold on you and approach the future with resilience and bravery. Retain the lessons and wisdom you've acquired along the way. Nobody can make you feel depressed and hopeless without your permission.

Everybody deserves to have a stress-free minds and souls. It will always be your choice to pursue a bright and happy future. Reclaim your life and start to live again.

We always have the hope as long as we live. Remember that God doesn't give someone trials he can't handle.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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